Tips on using a ceiling fan for heating and cooling

Tips from Indianapolis electricians on using ceiling fans for heating and cooling

It seems like Indiana takes the brunt of a lot of weather jokes these days, and admittedly, Indianapolis is notorious for unpredictable weather. In fact, the greatest 24-hour weather change ever recorded in Indianapolis was a difference of 58 degrees. On January 12, 1916, the high temperature was 68 degrees and the low was 10 degrees!

Indiana Weather

The unpredictable weather can make heating and cooling our homes a challenge, can put strain on our existing heating and cooling systems, and can drive up our electricity and other utility bills. Calling Grounded Solutions to install an electric ceiling fan is of the smartest solutions when it comes to achieving a comfortable, energy-efficient home. Properly operated, a ceiling fan can reduce both heating and cooling costs.

Using a Ceiling Fan Can Increase Energy Efficiency Year Round

Many of us already use ceiling fans in the summer to help cool our homes in an energy-efficient way. Most ceiling fans use about the same amount of electricity as a common 100-watt light bulb, so they are a low-cost, yet effective way to supplement an existing air conditioning or cooling system. If you use central air conditioning in your home, using a ceiling fan lets you set the thermostat several degrees higher without sacrificing comfort, meaning that you will save money on your energy bills while remaining comfortable. However, you can also use ceiling fans in the winter to help increase the effectiveness of your home’s heating system.

By circulating warm air in the winter, ceiling fans effectively reduce the demand of a conventional heating system. Warm air from your furnace rises and collects at the ceiling, where it doesn’t do you much good. Many fans are designed for both counterclockwise rotation (“forward mode”) and clockwise rotation (“reverse mode”). In reverse mode, the warm air is forced back down toward the floor, where it is conveniently recirculated throughout your home. If the fan is on a low speed, it will not create an uncomfortable breeze. This technique is especially helpful in certain situations, such as when a room with very high ceilings is heated by a wood stove. Using properly operated ceiling fans installed by a licensed electrician is a great way to increase your home’s energy efficiency, while remaining comfortable year round!

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Need a Ceiling Fan Installed in Indianapolis? Contact Grounded Solutions!

Because ceiling fan installation requires electricity and knowledge of electrical work, installation by a do-it-yourselfer is discouraged. Instead, be sure to hire a licensed professional electrician who will complete the job safely and efficiently for you. To increase your home’s energy efficiency in both summer and winter, call Grounded Solutions to install a ceiling fan in your home today! Contact Grounded Solutions