A simple Google search will quickly show you that LED lighting technology is becoming more and more popular in Indiana – and for good reason. LED lighting can conserve energy, reduce maintenance costs, provide better lighting quality, and is environmentally responsible. Whether you’re looking to change the lightbulbs in your home, or completely retrofit the exterior and interior lighting of a large office building, LED lighting is likely the best lighting solution for you.
While nearly every building – both residential and commercial – can benefit from LED lighting, an LED retrofit is particularly suited to a few organizations. Today, we’ll discuss the top three industries that need LED lighting.
Schools and Universities
Educational facilities have to balance tight budgets while providing a safe and efficient environment for their students and staff. Interior LED lighting can increase the light quality indoors, which means better learning conditions for students and better teaching conditions for staff. In addition, reduced energy consumption results in reduced energy costs. Energy savings in buildings that retrofit to LED have been estimated to be up to 50-90%.
Retrofitting existing outdoor lighting structures with exterior LED lighting can provide higher quality light and a cost-effective solution that will pay off over time. Better light quality in the parking lot can bring greater security after dark and play a part in the safety and security of the students and staff. Outdoor LED lighting for schools and universities can save money, provide a safer environment, increase light quality, and reduce liability issues.

Municipalities and other administrative organizations are great candidates for LED retrofits, both indoors and outdoors. Like educational facilities, municipalities have both interior and exterior lighting needs and are usually operating on a tight budget. Interior LED lighting for municipalities can help increase the light quality for employees, providing a better working environment. The longer lamp life and superior warranties on supplies means lower maintenance expenses, and more budget to spend on other necessities for the township.
A major portion of responsibility for municipalities is street and neighborhood lighting. Improving outdoor lighting quality through an LED retrofit can increase security of the citizens, reducing liability issues and deter crime.
Commercial Real Estate Organizations
Companies that own, operate, or manage real estate assets are always looking for ways to keep their facilities and properties operating as efficiently as possible. Like schools and municipalities, commercial real estate organizations often have both indoor and outdoor lighting needs. Indoors, an LED lighting retrofit can increase light quality and conserve energy, thereby providing both better working conditions for tenants and lower energy bills for the landowner. An outdoor LED lighting retrofit can help improve sustainability and reduce liability issues by increasing safety and security in parking lots.
Some of the most common real estate organizations that can benefit from LED lighting are:
- Multi-family housing
- Storage facilities
- Public parking lots or parking garages
- Strip malls
- Outdoor malls
LED Lighting Benefits
While there are a few particular industries that need LED lighting, nearly every business can benefit from switching to LED lighting technology. Energy efficiency, better light quality, and lower maintenance costs are only a few benefits of LED retrofitting.
Connect with us on Facebook, submit this online contact form, or give us a call today to see how we can help you save money and conserve energy by retrofitting your home or business to LED lighting.